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Engineers and Businesspeople


EVERYTHING in this page needs to be changed toa page for Civil Engineering (it was Value engineering before). Defined as an organized effort to maximize outcome while limiting the utilization of resources, Value Engineering aims to achieve highest functionality and performance at the lowest construction and life cycle cost.

Having a well-rounded experience in both design and construction, our team starts the Value Engineering at the early stages of the project by defining the 'value' during the project planning, all the way through assessing and implementing the final accepted plan in the design and construction phases.


A properly applied value engineering starts at the concept level and at the very early stage of the project life cycle, and requires a proactive effort until the project is completed. A successful plan takes into account various parameters such as project features, optimized design solutions, material selections, equipment and alternative construction methodologies. We categorize our value engineering approach in three main stages as explained in more detail below. 


As this first stage, our team will focus on the following main tacks:

  • Review the project concept

  • Define the ‘value’ in collaboration with owner

  • Perform a functional analysis

  • Define the project criteria, scope and objectives

  • Review and validate the proposed project plans

  • Offer and review alternative solutions

  • Review and verify how the project constraints are affected by the proposed plan

Team of Industrial Engineers


Construction Workers


For this stage, we will bring all stakeholders together to discuss and re-evaluate the value engineering definition, proposals and plans in more details. The main objectives are:

  • Understand the background and decisions made during the design phase

  • Evaluate the performance and functional issues of the project

  • Re-define and assess owner’s objectives and confirm their definition of ‘value’

  • Propose and assess different approaches for completion of the project

  • Analyze the recommended design changes and their impact on project constraints such as scope, time and budget

  • Evaluate ‘value’ and ‘function’ in close collaboration with stakeholders

  • Implement accepted changes into design and project plan


During the final implementation stage of value engineering, our team will:

  • Follow the accepted changes through value engineering proposal and plan

  • Evaluate and assess the impacts of the value engineering plans from a life-cycle and a liability perspective 
  • Collaborate with respected parties through all decision-making and implementation stages 
  • Check cost estimates and scope statements thoroughly to ensure a complete implementation of the accepted plan
  • Assures that the best value will be obtained throughout the lifecycle of the project
Bridge Construction


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