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Realistic simulation is a comprehensive approach that combines various disciplines such as finite element analysis (FEA), nonlinear analysis, experimental tests, and principles of fracture mechanics to simulate and predict the behavior of complex structural and mechanical systems under various loading conditions.


The simulation process involves creating an accurate computer model of the structure using FEA and simulating its response to external loads using nonlinear analysis. Experimental test results are then incorporated into the model to validate and calibrate it. By utilizing fracture mechanics principles, the model can predict the ultimate failure of the structure and identify critical areas that may require strengthening, additional reinforcement or other modifications.

Tall Buildings


Image by Francisco Kemeny

Realistic simulation offers several benefits in the design and analysis of structural and mechanical systems:


  • By accurately predicting the behavior of structures, it can improve their safety, reliability, and performance, while minimizing material and construction costs.

  • It can identify potential failure modes and optimize critical design parameters, leading to a reduction in the risk of costly and dangerous failures.

  • It can help engineers and designers understand the behavior of a structure under various loading conditions, leading to more informed decisions during the design process.

  • Realistic modeling can also reduce the need for physical testing, hence saving time and money.

  • It provide valuable insights and predictions for new engineering approaches such as performance-based design, leading to improved design accuracy and cost-effectiveness.


By providing our clients with detailed simulations and data analysis, we help them make informed design decisions that minimize the likelihood of unexpected issues or failures.

This informed approach to design reduces the risk of costly rework and change orders during construction or implementation, leading to significant cost savings for our clients. Additionally, the use of simulations enables us to optimize design parameters and predict system behavior under different scenarios, leading to a more efficient project delivery process.

Realistic simulation offers a comprehensive approach that can benefit both old and new structures in the design and analysis process. For old structures, it can help assess their current condition, discover potential failure modes and identify areas that may require additional reinforcement or modification. For new structures, it can optimize critical design parameters, improve safety, reliability, and performance, and reduce the risk of costly and dangerous failures.

Image by Ricardo Gomez Angel


Construction Worker

At Alphatecs, we use realistic simulation to provide technical solutions that bring value to our clients. For example, during the design of an embedded structure, our team used realistic simulation to develop a design that prevented failure under extreme soil liquefaction. In another example, we used realistic modeling to prevent the shutdown of the facility during the repair of the damaged structure by significantly reducing the extent, cost and duration of the repairs.

By accurately modeling the behavior of the structure under these conditions, we can identify critical areas that may require special design considerations. We utilize this approach to optimize critical design parameters in a wide range of industries including building, infrastructure, mining, marine and energy industries. Realistic simulation has allowed us to develop solutions that were previously not feasible due to high costs or technical limitations. This approach has helped us stay at the forefront of the industry and bring significant value to our clients.


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